What is ICNU?
How can we get pastors talking to one another in intentional ways in order to promote encouragement, exhortation, and growth? How can we get pastors to consult with other pastors by fostering conversations with insightful questions? The answer? We could start with a simple phrase: I see in you...
I've been thinking about churches and church metrics for a long time. In fact, as a PK, I suppose I've known about church metrics since I was a kid. Mom and Dad would talk about "nickels and noses" at the dinner table.
I've been an intentional, active layman most of my adult life. Then in 2009, as I began exploring a new career, I started consulting with pastors about various topics, and began using the moniker "professional layman" to describe my approach to ministry.
As I began talking to my colleague Todd about churches, we realized that we shared that interest, that is, consulting with pastors. We both enjoyed talking to pastors and the impact we could have on the Kingdom through those conversations, specifically in the area of exhortation (a spiritual gift of both Todd's and mine).
We were brainstorming about influence and leadership development and Todd mentioned part of his strategy around asking couples in their small group to consider the possibility of starting their own small group. Todd shared a phrase that his church uses to raise up and develop future leaders - they use the phrase, "I see in you ..."
"I see in you the ability to encourage others." or "I see in you the gift of giving." We use this to build each other up in our faith and to encourage one another.
As Todd said "I see in you..." I instead visualized "I-C-N-U" as letters instead of a phrase. I said, "That would make a cool t-shirt." Responding to Todd's puzzled look, I walked over to the whiteboard and wrote the letters I-C-N-U.
A simple misunderstanding launched another entire conversation: How can we get pastors talking to one another in intentional ways in order to promote encouragement, exhortation, and growth? How can we get pastors to consult with other pastors by fostering conversations with insightful questions? The answer? We could start with a simple phrase: I see in you...
The acronym came before the phrase, but the idea came before the acronym. Inspiring Churches to New Understanding. ICNU. I see in you.